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The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

SGB discusses allocations, reproductive health on campus

Nate Yonamine | Senior Staff Photographer
A member of Delta Sigma Pi speaks to the student government board during Tuesday night’s public meeting.

At Tuesday’s meeting, Student Government Board introduced a new allocations bill that it plans to vote on at the next meeting. The bill changes the monetary caps for requests to attend competitions and speaker honoraria, as well as deadlines to submit allocations requests.

SGB President Ryan Young explained that traditionally, any monetary request over $1,000 from organizations would have to be reviewed by the entire board rather than just the allocations committee. As a response to the influx of requests over $1,000, the new bill would move the allocations committee maximum amount to $1,500 for regular requests and $2,000 for competition and travel requests. 

“Most requests are over $2,000 for [traveling to] competitions,” Young said. “And with inflation, a lot of requests have started getting board reviews. So we’re moving that up to $2,000 across the board to make that simpler.”

Their bill will also adjust the deadline for clubs to request submissions. According to on SGB’s website, “the allocations chair shall create an online submission form and set a submission deadline. This form and deadline shall be posted publicly. The allocations chair may set additional submission requirements, including limiting the total number of requests to be heard per week. All additional submission requirements shall be posted publicly.”

Vice President of Operations Sarah Siddiqui said SGB is working on installing a menstrual product and contraceptive vending machine on campus.

“The idea is just that we would have free menstrual products, contraceptive products, or a very reduced price in vending machines on campus,” Siddiqui said.

Board Member Braydan Issermoyer said at Tuesday’s meeting that four new courses are approved to count for general education requirements, but the titles of the courses have yet to be released.

“The student body is huge and has many interests,” Issermoyer said. “These new courses for general education requirements are kind of niche.”

SGB will also start holding traveling office hours, in which it will go to clubs and present to the general bodies about who it is and what it does.

“As a final thing or redirect, traveling office hours are starting,” Young said. “We already have a few clubs that we’re going to go visit. It’s an opportunity for us to present about SGB and hear concerns from other students. If you have a club that you think would benefit from it, reach out to communications and we will set it up.”


Ballet Club requested $2,400 dollars to rent Bellefield Hall. The board approved this request in full.

The majorette dance team requested $3,399.46 for new uniforms and a photographer. The board approved this request in full.

Strong Women, Strong Girls requested $10,040 for transportation. The board denied this request in full. 

Model United Nations requested $2,710.80 to attend a conference in Washington, D.C.

Team Handball requested $2,882.63 for jerseys. The board approved this request with revisions.

Musical Theater Club requested $3,579.34 for equipment and booking fees. The board approved this request with revisions.

The Chinese American Student Association requested $12,000 to bring a Chinese content creator to campus. The board approved this request in full.

The American Marketing Association requested $2,494 for national member dues. The board approved this request in full.

Delta Sigma Pi requested $1,147.94 to attend a conference. The board approved this request in full.

Salsa Club at Pitt requested $3,600 to bring salsa instructors to campus. The board approved this request in full.

Engineers Without Borders requested $2,972.74 to attend a conference. The board approved this request in full. 

  • Turning Point USA requested $25,397 to bring a speaker to campus. The board voted to fund with revisions, funding $25,000 of the request.

׿ the Contributor
Adrienne Cahillane, Multimedia Editor